This file provides the Django ABIDField and ABIDModel base model to inherit from.
Module Contents
Abstract Base Model for other models to depend on. Provides ArchiveBox ID (ABID) interface. |
Get or create a system user with is_superuser=True to be the default owner for new DB rows |
Return the mapping of all ABID prefixes to their models. e.g. {‘tag_’: core.models.Tag, ‘snp_’: core.models.Snapshot, …} |
Find the correct prefix for a given ABID that may have be missing a prefix (slow). e.g. ABID(‘obj_01BJQMF54D093DXEAWZ6JYRPAQ’) -> ‘snp_’ |
Return the Django Model that corresponds to a given ABID prefix. e.g. ‘tag_’ -> core.models.Tag |
Shortcut for find_model_from_abid_prefix(abid.prefix) |
Find an object corresponding to an ABID by exhaustively searching using its random suffix (slow). e.g. ‘obj_………………..JYRPAQ’ -> Snapshot(‘snp_01BJQMF54D093DXEAWZ6JYRPAQ’) Honestly should only be used for debugging, no reason to expose this ability to users. |
Find an object with a given ABID by filtering possible models for a matching abid/uuid/id (fast). e.g. ‘snp_01BJQMF54D093DXEAWZ6JYRPAQ’ -> Snapshot(‘snp_01BJQMF54D093DXEAWZ6JYRPAQ’) |
- archivebox.abid_utils.models.ABIDField
- archivebox.abid_utils.models.get_or_create_system_user_pk(username='system')
Get or create a system user with is_superuser=True to be the default owner for new DB rows
- class archivebox.abid_utils.models.AutoDateTimeField
- exception archivebox.abid_utils.models.ABIDError
- class archivebox.abid_utils.models.ABIDModel(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
Abstract Base Model for other models to depend on. Provides ArchiveBox ID (ABID) interface.
Overriden init method ensures we have a stable creation timestamp that fields can use within initialization code pre-saving to DB.
- abid_prefix: str
- abid_ts_src
- abid_uri_src
- abid_subtype_src
- abid_salt: str
- abid_drift_allowed: bool
- _prefetched_objects_cache: Dict[str, Any]
- __str__() str
- clean(abid_drift_allowed: bool | None = None) None
- save(*args: Any, abid_drift_allowed: bool | None = None, **kwargs: Any) None
Overriden save method ensures new ABID is generated while a new object is first saving.
- classmethod id_from_abid(abid: str) str
- property ABID_SOURCES: Dict[str, str]
“Get the dict of fresh ABID component values based on the live object’s properties.
- property ABID_FRESH_VALUES: Dict[str, Any]
“Get the dict of fresh ABID component values based on the live object’s properties.
- property ABID_FRESH_HASHES: Dict[str, str]
“Get the dict of fresh ABID component hashes based on the live object’s properties.
- property ABID_FRESH_DIFFS: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]
Get the dict of discrepancies between the existing saved ABID and a new fresh ABID computed based on the live object.
- issue_new_abid(overwrite=False) archivebox.abid_utils.abid.ABID
Issue a new ABID based on the current object’s properties, can only be called once on new objects (before they are saved to DB).
- property ABID: archivebox.abid_utils.abid.ABID
Get the object’s existing ABID (from self.abid if it’s already saved to DB, otherwise generated fresh) e.g. -> ABID(ts=’01HX9FPYTR’, uri=’E4A5CCD9’, subtype=’00’, rand=’ZYEBQE’)
- property api_url: str
Compute the REST API URL to access this object. e.g. /api/v1/core/snapshot/snp_01BJQMF54D093DXEAWZ6JYRP
- property api_docs_url: str
Compute the REST API Documentation URL to learn about accessing this object. e.g. /api/v1/docs#/Core%20Models/api_v1_core_get_snapshots
- property admin_change_url: str
- get_absolute_url()
- archivebox.abid_utils.models.find_all_abid_prefixes() Dict[str, type[django.db.models.Model]]
Return the mapping of all ABID prefixes to their models. e.g. {‘tag_’: core.models.Tag, ‘snp_’: core.models.Snapshot, …}
- archivebox.abid_utils.models.find_prefix_for_abid(abid: archivebox.abid_utils.abid.ABID) str
Find the correct prefix for a given ABID that may have be missing a prefix (slow). e.g. ABID(‘obj_01BJQMF54D093DXEAWZ6JYRPAQ’) -> ‘snp_’
- archivebox.abid_utils.models.find_model_from_abid_prefix(prefix: str) type[archivebox.abid_utils.models.ABIDModel] | None
Return the Django Model that corresponds to a given ABID prefix. e.g. ‘tag_’ -> core.models.Tag
- archivebox.abid_utils.models.find_model_from_abid(abid: archivebox.abid_utils.abid.ABID) type[django.db.models.Model] | None
Shortcut for find_model_from_abid_prefix(abid.prefix)
- archivebox.abid_utils.models.find_obj_from_abid_rand(rand: Union[archivebox.abid_utils.abid.ABID, str], model=None) List[archivebox.abid_utils.models.ABIDModel]
Find an object corresponding to an ABID by exhaustively searching using its random suffix (slow). e.g. ‘obj_………………..JYRPAQ’ -> Snapshot(‘snp_01BJQMF54D093DXEAWZ6JYRPAQ’) Honestly should only be used for debugging, no reason to expose this ability to users.
- archivebox.abid_utils.models.find_obj_from_abid(abid: archivebox.abid_utils.abid.ABID, model=None, fuzzy=False) Any
Find an object with a given ABID by filtering possible models for a matching abid/uuid/id (fast). e.g. ‘snp_01BJQMF54D093DXEAWZ6JYRPAQ’ -> Snapshot(‘snp_01BJQMF54D093DXEAWZ6JYRPAQ’)