
▶️ It only takes about 5 minutes to get up and running with ArchiveBox.

ArchiveBox officially supports macOS, Ubuntu/Debian, and BSD, but likely runs on many other systems. You can run it on any system that supports Docker, including Windows.

If you want to use Docker or Docker Compose to run ArchiveBox, see the [[Docker]] page.

First, we install the ArchiveBox dependencies, then we create a folder to store the archive data, and finally, we import the list of links to the archive by running ./archive <links_file>.

1. Set up ArchiveBox

Clone the ArchiveBox repo and install its dependencies.

git clone https://github.com/pirate/ArchiveBox
cd ArchiveBox/
./bin/archivebox-setup  # script prompts for user confirmation before installing anything

For more detail, including the manual setup and docker instructions, see the [[Install]] page.

2. Get your list of URLs to archive

Follow the links here to find instructions for exporting a list of URLs from each service.

(If any of these links are broken, please submit an issue and I’ll fix it)

3. Add your URLs to the archive

Pass in URLs to archive via stdin:

echo 'https://example.com' | ./archive

Or import a list of links from a file or feed URL:

./archive ~/Downloads/example_bookmarks_export.html
./archive https://getpocket.com/users/example/feed/all

✅ Done!

Open output/index.html to view your archive. (favicons will appear next to each title once they have finished downloading)

Next Steps:

  • Read [[Usage]] to learn about the various CLI and web UI functions
  • Read [[Configuration]] to learn about the various archive method options
  • Read [[Scheduled Archiving]] to learn how to set up automatic daily archiving
  • Read [[Publishing Your Archive]] if you want to host your archive for others to access online
  • Read [[Troubleshooting]] if you encounter any problems