__package__ = 'archivebox.index'
from datetime import datetime
from typing import List, Optional, Iterator, Mapping
from pathlib import Path
from django.utils.html import format_html
from collections import defaultdict
from .schema import Link
from ..system import atomic_write
from ..logging_util import printable_filesize
from ..util import (
from ..config import (
MAIN_INDEX_TEMPLATE = 'main_index.html'
MINIMAL_INDEX_TEMPLATE = 'main_index_minimal.html'
LINK_DETAILS_TEMPLATE = 'link_details.html'
TITLE_LOADING_MSG = 'Not yet archived...'
### Main Links Index
def parse_html_main_index(out_dir: Path=OUTPUT_DIR) -> Iterator[str]:
"""parse an archive index html file and return the list of urls"""
index_path = Path(out_dir) / HTML_INDEX_FILENAME
if index_path.exists():
with open(index_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
for line in f:
if 'class="link-url"' in line:
yield line.split('"')[1]
return ()
def generate_index_from_links(links: List[Link], with_headers: bool):
if with_headers:
output = main_index_template(links)
output = main_index_template(links, template=MINIMAL_INDEX_TEMPLATE)
return output
def main_index_template(links: List[Link], template: str=MAIN_INDEX_TEMPLATE) -> str:
"""render the template for the entire main index"""
return render_django_template(template, {
'version': VERSION,
'git_sha': GIT_SHA,
'num_links': str(len(links)),
'date_updated': datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
'time_updated': datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'),
'links': [link._asdict(extended=True) for link in links],
### Link Details Index
def write_html_link_details(link: Link, out_dir: Optional[str]=None) -> None:
out_dir = out_dir or link.link_dir
rendered_html = link_details_template(link)
atomic_write(str(Path(out_dir) / HTML_INDEX_FILENAME), rendered_html)
def link_details_template(link: Link) -> str:
from ..extractors.wget import wget_output_path
link_info = link._asdict(extended=True)
return render_django_template(LINK_DETAILS_TEMPLATE, {
'title': htmlencode(
or (link.base_url if link.is_archived else TITLE_LOADING_MSG)
'url_str': htmlencode(urldecode(link.base_url)),
'archive_url': urlencode(
or (link.domain if link.is_archived else '')
) or 'about:blank',
'extension': link.extension or 'html',
'tags': link.tags or 'untagged',
'size': printable_filesize(link.archive_size) if link.archive_size else 'pending',
'status': 'archived' if link.is_archived else 'not yet archived',
'status_color': 'success' if link.is_archived else 'danger',
'oldest_archive_date': ts_to_date(link.oldest_archive_date),
def render_django_template(template: str, context: Mapping[str, str]) -> str:
"""render a given html template string with the given template content"""
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
return render_to_string(template, context)
[docs]def snapshot_icons(snapshot) -> str:
from core.models import EXTRACTORS
archive_results = snapshot.archiveresult_set.filter(status="succeeded")
link = snapshot.as_link()
path = link.archive_path
canon = link.canonical_outputs()
output = ""
output_template = '<a href="/{}/{}" class="exists-{}" title="{}">{} </a>'
icons = {
"singlefile": "βΆ",
"wget": "π",
"dom": "π
"pdf": "π",
"screenshot": "π»",
"media": "πΌ",
"git": "π
"archive_org": "π",
"readability": "π",
"mercury": "π
"warc": "π¦"
exclude = ["favicon", "title", "headers", "archive_org"]
# Missing specific entry for WARC
extractor_items = defaultdict(lambda: None)
for extractor, _ in EXTRACTORS:
for result in archive_results:
if result.extractor == extractor:
extractor_items[extractor] = result
for extractor, _ in EXTRACTORS:
if extractor not in exclude:
exists = extractor_items[extractor] is not None
output += output_template.format(path, canon[f"{extractor}_path"], str(exists),
extractor, icons.get(extractor, "?"))
if extractor == "wget":
# warc isn't technically it's own extractor, so we have to add it after wget
exists = list((Path(path) / canon["warc_path"]).glob("*.warc.gz"))
output += output_template.format(exists[0] if exists else '#', canon["warc_path"], str(bool(exists)), "warc", icons.get("warc", "?"))
if extractor == "archive_org":
# The check for archive_org is different, so it has to be handled separately
target_path = Path(path) / "archive.org.txt"
exists = target_path.exists()
output += '<a href="{}" class="exists-{}" title="{}">{}</a> '.format(canon["archive_org_path"], str(exists),
"archive_org", icons.get("archive_org", "?"))
return format_html(f'<span class="files-icons" style="font-size: 1.1em; opacity: 0.8">{output}<span>')